This mission is the second largest deployment for the Defence Forces with 133 personnel of all ranks deploying with the 68th Inf Group. In preparation for deploymentthe Infantry Group are being tested during a Mission Readiness Exercise which puts commanders andsoldiersthrougha demandingseries ofscenarios based on the currentsituationinthe GolanHeights and potential threatsthat may be encounteredinthe mission area. Troopsfaceaseries ofscenariosinvolving simulatedexplosivestrikes, air strikes, helicopter drills, anti-ambushtactics using a variety of advanced weapons systems, detailed planning and traditional peacekeeping methods.
The Infantry Group will be carrying out peacekeeping duties under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter. The group acts as the Force Reserve Company, the main focus of which is constituting a Quick Response Force for UNDOF, as well as supporting the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation, (UNTSO). This group operates Observation Posts along the Alpha line in order to monitor the AOS. This will involve extensive patrolling throughout the AO in addition to monitoring the AOS. In accordance with Security Council Resolution 2530, duties will also include helping to ensure humanitarian access to the civilian population in the area. The Irish Infantry Group provides UNDOF's Force Reserve Company which acts as the mission's Quick Reaction Force (QRF).
The 68th Inf Gp will complete a six-month tour before returning to Ireland next April, the group is under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Clear. The lead unit is the 6th Infantry Battalion from Custume Barracks in Athlone. Ireland has been committed to the UNDOF mission since 2013. Following a government decision, Ireland will end this commitment circa April 2024. The 68th Infantry Group will be the last troop rotation to UNDOF.
Notes for Editor: Attached briefing notes on the 68th Infantry Group, UNDOF.
Briefing-Note-68-Infantry-Group-UNDOF.docx (size 94 KB)