PLEASE NOTE:These Apps are external to While we endeavour to make sure these links are accurate and appropriate, The Defence Forces cannot take responsibility for the content of Apps maintained by external providers.

This App is designed to helps teens and young adults cope with anxiety, changing how they think about it by not avoiding it, facing it and managing it. It also helps you target specific events that can cause you stress like exam anxiety, perfectionism, social anxiety, performance anxiety, worry, panic and conflict.
MindShift can be downloaded on Google Play and iOS
Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM)

This provides a number of self-help methods to help manage anxiety, relaxation and health. Developed by psychologists, there is a closed social network of SAM users to chat to as well as tools to help track your progress.
SAM can be download on Googleplay and iOS

This App provides instructions for deep breathing exercises that can help reduce stress. Deep breathing has been shown to improve mood and deal with anger and anxiety. It can be used wherever you are, as a standalone tool or combined with other therapies.
Breathe2Relax is available on Google Play and iOS

This eLearning package is funded by the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention(NOSP) in conjunction with Living Works. It provided free access an eLearning programme that is designed to enhance community awareness around suicide. This eLearning programme allows you to safely explore some of the challenging issues related to suicide. For more information and details of how to enroll, select the following link. More information..