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FAQS in relation to recruitment training in the Defence Forces

Will I have to live in barracks?

You will be required to live in the barracks during the period of initial training. Upon completion of this training you can live outside of the barracks, if you wish.

Once you have completed your training, we offer good quality, accommodation, at well below private rent costs, on most Barracks sites. This is a great saving because you won’t have to pay utility bills (gas, electricity, broadband etc.) or high rent to a private landlord.

What is provided to me when I join the Defence Forces?

The Defence Forces provides, free of charge, accommodation, meals, uniforms and educational tools for the duration of training – Cadet Training, Recruit Training and Professional Training.

There are also number of significant benefits available to you throughout your career in the Defence Forces. These include:
  • Pension
  • Free Gym and PT access
  • Free Medical, Dental and Semi-Private Hospital Care
  • Free Physiotherapy & Pharmacy
  • Overseas: Peacekeeping/ Humanitarian
  • Paid over €40k per annum on completion of Training
  • Third Level Education Opportunities
  • Technical/Trade Opportunities
  • Free Counselling/Wellbeing supports

Further information is available at the link or QR Code below.

Lifestyle and Benefits Package


Will I be able to stay in touch with family and friends while completing my initial training course?

While you are undertaking your training, you will be given time, when training is not programmed, to contact family and friends. While initial training is intense, this is what prepares you for your career in the Defence Forces. Many find this the most rewarding time of their careers. It goes by quickly and, once you go to your Unit, you will have plenty of time for family and friends. You will also have made lots of new friends – these friendships often last a lifetime!!!

What is involved in Army Recruit Training?

Everyone who joins the Defence Forces as a Recruit completes the same Recruit training syllabus, be they Army, Navy or Air Corps. Recruit Training is designed to develop new inductees into physically fit, disciplined and motivated women and men with basic military skills. Recruit training is foundation military training. It is twelve weeks in duration. It is followed by professional training which is dependent on which arm of the Defence Forces that you have applied to join – Army Navy or Air Corps.

Will I be have access to my phone while completing my induction training course?

While you are undertaking your training, you will have access to your phone for a period every evening when you are not on programme. Additional access may be permitted if requested.

What happens if I am a parent, whilst completing Induction Training?

Parenthood is very much supported in the Defence Forces. New inductees, who have children, should inform their training Instructors. While all personnel are required to live in Barracks for the duration of training, it may be possible to make suitable arrangements so you can see/call your children and also achieve the requirements of induction training.

Will I have access to my car while completing my initial training course?

Initially, you will not have access to your car. Increased access to cars will be permitted as you progress through your training.

I notice that Recruit training is 12 weeks in duration and then you have to go through professional training. What is the duration of the next stage of training?

Army and Air Corps Recruits:

2 to 3 Star Training: 12 weeks

Naval Service Recruits:

Ordinary to Able Rate Course: 12 weeks 

On completion, of this training your annual salary will increase to over €40,000pa.

Where could I be posted after Recruit training?

Upon completion of Recruit Training, you will posted within the Brigade/Formation, to which you applied.

Towards the end of Recruit Training you will be asked by your training staff to submit a location preference within that Brigade/Formation. 

You will then be posted based on your preferences and the vacancies within the Brigade/Formation, to which you applied.

The military locations in each Brigade/Formation are outlined below:·     

1 Brigade 

  • Collins Barrracks, Cork   
  • Sarsfield Barracks, Limerick
  • Stephen’s Barracks, Kilkenny
  •  Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa, Galway     

2 Brigade 

  • Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin 6
  • McKee Barracks, Dublin 7 
  • Aiken Barracks, Dundalk   
  • Custume Barracks, Athlone
  • Finner Camp, Donegal

Defence Forces Training Centre (Curragh, Co Kildare)

Naval Service (Haulbowline, Co Cork)

Air Corps (Baldonnel, Co Dublin)