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Defence Studies

DF Studies Programme

The Defence Forces has committed to provide accreditation for all learning conducted within the organisation through collaboration with appropriate Higher Education Institutions. 

The White Paper on Defence (2000, Para 462 provides that “all personnel will be provided with the opportunity for personal development and associated professional experience in order to realise their full potential during their service in the Defence Forces” Therefore, the accreditation of our training and education programmes under NFQ represents a policy-strategy match that can fill the gap that has existed. The Accreditation sought must adhere to the standards laid down in the Qualification (Education & Training) Act 1999, as governed by the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) and will fulfil DF operational and training requirements

The Director of Defence Forces Training is fully aware of the wide variety of skills available through civilian educational institutions and embraces these courses under various educational schemes available to its members. Collective and individual training and education is the cornerstone of military life and will continue to be so, as our diversity in training dictates Defence Forces operational capability and effectiveness on national and international platforms. 

Officer Cadets

Personnel of the Army, who were inducted as an Officer Cadet and successfully completed their Officer Cadet training and who have not previously attained an Honours Bachelor Degree (Level 8 of the National Framework of Qualifications) or equivalent may, subject to the exigencies of the service and the requirements of the Defence Forces, be assigned to a course of study leading to a degree at National University of Ireland, Galway or a course of study leading to a degree at some other third level college of education.

Tuition and examination fees in respect of Officers attending college will be met from public funds. Textbooks, instruments etc. will be made available without charge but will remain the property of the Minister for Defence. During attendance at college, Officers will normally be accommodated in Military Barracks and will be in receipt of normal pay and allowances.

In connection with third level training, personnel will be required to subscribe to an undertaking (or undertakings), that before leaving the Permanent Defence Force voluntarily at any time after they have commenced the course and before they have served in the Permanent Defence Force for a minimum number of years reckoned from the date of completion of their third level training, they will refund the cost of such training to the Minister for Defence including the cost of pay and allowances paid to them during the period of attendance at the course.

In effect Officers who attend third level training will have to serve for a minimum of two years service for every college year they attend whilst a member of the Defence Forces.

Non Commissioned Personnel

Leadership Management and Defence Studies (LMDS) Programme

The LMDS programme allows soldiers to have their career learning recognised through external accreditation with third level education. The Programme has a broad base of skills which are applicable to the DF and other disciplines outside the military. The Programme’s origins can be traced to the White Paper 2000.


“All personnel will be provided with the opportunity for personal development and associated professional experience in order to realise their full potential during their service in the Defence Forces.”


“…to ensure…that members of the Permanent Defence Forces have qualifications which will enhance their job prospects on leaving the Defence Forces.”

ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) Credits are associated with completion of Defence Forces courses. The accumulation of 120 credits through the Programme on completion of the Potential NCO Course or equivalent, leads to the first award at Level 6. The completion of further career courses and accumulation of 150 and later 180 credits are associated to awards at Level 7.

3 Star private soldiers are automatically included in the Programme. To ensure progression a 3* Star private soldier must accumulate 20 Credits from Corps Courses and 40 Credits from the Work Based Learning Portfolio, prior to reporting on a Potential NCO’s Course. Without these credits they will not achieve the 120 credits needed for conferral after completing the Potential NCO Course.

Awards conferred by South East Technological University

The following awards are awarded to Defence Forces personnel for various courses conducted in third lever institutions:

  • Higher Certificate in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies (Level 6) awarded by South East Technological University
  • Minor Award in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies (Level 7) awarded by South East Technological University
  • BA in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies (Level 7) awarded by South East Technological University
  • BA in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies (Logistics) (Level 7) awarded by South East Technological University
  • MSc in Communications Technology Management (Level 9) awarded by South East Technological University
  • MSc in Military Engineering Management (Level 9) awarded by South East Technological University
  • MEng in Weapons, Ordnance, Munitions & Explosives (Level 9) awarded by South East Technological University

Awards conferred by Maynooth

  • Diploma in Leadership, Management & Defence Studies (Level 7) awarded by Maynooth University
  • Higher Diploma in Leadership, Defence and Contemporary Security Studies (Level 8) awarded by Maynooth University
  • MA in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies (Level 9) awarded by Maynooth University

Awards conferred by Munster Technological University

  • Higher Certificate in Leadership, Management and Naval Studies (Level 6) awarded by Munster Technological University
  • BA in Leadership, Management and Naval Studies (Level 7) awarded by Munster Technological University
  • BSc Nautical Science (Level 8) awarded by Munster Technological University