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Communications and Information Services Corps

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Communications and Information Services Corps Mission

Provide efficient and effective communications and information systems for the command, control and administration of the Defence Forces at home and overseas.

The Communications and Information Services (CIS) Corps is responsible for the development and operation of Information Technology systems in support of Defence Forces (DF) tasks. It is also responsible for co-coordinating all communications (radio and line) and information systems, communications research and update of communications in line with modern developments and operational requirements.

The CIS Corps harnesses networking and information technologies in order to dramatically increase Defence Force Operational effectiveness through the provision of timely and accurate information to the commander along with the real time efficient sharing of information with Army, Air Corps and Naval Service as well as with multinational partners involved in international peacekeeping and other actors as required.

CIS Corps units are dispersed throughout the DF giving Communications and IT support to each of the Brigades, Air Corps, Naval Service, DFTC and DFHQ.  The CIS Corps have a Base Workshops where detailed maintenance and research and development is conducted.

The CIS School runs a large number of CIS related courses including a degree program in Military Communications for CIS technicians in association with Munster Technological University.