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28th June 2024
May/June 2024
In this edition we have an update on: >> current Infrastructure being developed or upgraded in the DF >> SDR Radio >> an overview of the recently completed deployment of 123 Inf Bn >> A Leadership Article >> a feature on the recently commissioned 99th Cadet Class >> an article about the rule changes to the An Cosantóir 10k race >> a Sports feature - DF Rowing >> the culmination of our Irish Volunteers series >> a feature on ARCO >> an interview with Capt Ciarán Oman >> an article about the medics engagement with EUMAM-UA >> a feature about the recent RDF probationers course and >> a PSS article about supports for personnel overseas
24th April 2024
March/April 2024
This magazine has some great articles: - Ex Saber Junction 2023 - an interview with our new Head of Strategic HR, Mr Declan Carville - an account of the heli Crewmans course - a summary of the CISM Golf Tournament as well as our people of the DF series, a continuation of the Civil War series and an article about an RDF MFR Course
13th March 2024
January/February 2024
The first edition of 2024 covers several interesting topics: - Cambrian Patrol, 28 Inf Bn - DF School of Music Centenary - Interview with DF Head of Transformation - Resilience in the DF - IUNVA Veterans - OCSC in 2023, Brig Gen Mulcahy - DF Values Awards - Leadership in the DF - The Irish Volunteers at War, 1916-1923 - Car Bombs and Barrack Busters - People of the DF - Gaisce Adventure Week, 2 BAR, Athlone