1st December 2015
December 2015/ January 2016This edition contains features on UN60 from the Congo to the Middle East by Lar Joye, Helping the Helpers by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, Combined Weapons Shoot by Sgt Karl Byrne, FIBUA Training in Fort Davis by Sgt Karl Byrne, Military Finance by Lt Col Gerard Buckley, Exercise Arduous Serpent by Coy Sgt David O'Connor
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st November 2015
November 2015This edition contains features on Veterans Day in Collins Bks by Liam Nolan, Supporting Veterans with ONE Hand, Military Press Co-operation By Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, UNDOF Mission Readiness Exercise by Cpl Lee Coyle, Cyprus 1974; a Canadian Soldier's Perspective by Frank Reid, Reservists Keep the Score by Capt Martin Mulvey
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Hold the Press!, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
10th October 2015
October 2015This edition contains features on The Danish Army Sniper Competition by Sair Steven McColgan, ANSAC- a credit union for the digital age by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, Smart Thinking in the Air Corps by FQMS Diarmuid Parker & Sht wayne Fitzgerald, RDF Standard NCO's course by Cpl Lee Coyle, Je Suis Charlie by Paul O'Brien, RDF Full Time Training by Rec Eoin O'Shea
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st September 2015
September 2015This edition contains features on: DF lead the way in social media by Brian Hayes MEP, Policing from the air by Guy Warner, MINURSO, a little known mission by Berty Egerton, Multinational CRC Exercise by Lt Conor Dunne, Ahakista- Air India Disaster 1985 by A/B Jim Sperin, Setting the standard by Sgt Paul Millar
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st July 2015
July/August 2015This edition contains features on: Fighting Ebola by Sgt Martin Moules, Emergency Aeromedical Service by Sgt Karl Byrne, Weapons Intelligence Teams by Capt Phelim Gibbons, Sharp Shooters by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, An escort with Honour by Sgt Stephen Conran, Rwandan Genocide 1994 by Cian Moran
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st June 2015
June 2015This edition contains features on: Peacekeeping in the Golan by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, DCOS Ops Maj Gen Ralph James by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, NO Cost CIMIC Projects by Comdt Rory Esler, One Family's fight for Irish Freedom by Michael Keane, Irish Mutiny in the Punjab by Prof Michael Silvestri, Irish D Day Veteran Honoured by Robin Gillen
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews
1st May 2015
May 2015This edition contains features on: Exercise Steel Storm by Lt Mark White, Retd US General Visits C&S School by Dr David Murphy, From Civilian to Soldier by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, RDF's First Mech Recruits by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, Blood on the Sun - Al Shabaab by Paul O'Brien, Joining the RDF by Eoin O'Shea
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st April 2015
April 2015This edition contains features on: Exercise Golan Days by Comdt David Slattery, Locate Me 112 - Air Corps Innovation by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, Jnr Command and Staff Course by Capt Gavin Egerton, Winter Mountaineering by Cpl Tomás Everard, Boko Haram by Paul O'Brien, Driving Up Standards by MT driver Instr Cse Students
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, Tac Aide, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st March 2015
March 2015This edition contains features on: Tackling Ebola by Sgt Karl Byrne, Prepared at all times by Capt Stephen Molumphy, Brú na bhfiann by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald, LÉ Samuel Beckett by Lt Cdr Caoimhin Mac Unfraidh, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter by Robert Tarrant, Command and Control by Sgt Karl Byrne
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, What I do
1st February 2015
February 2015This edition contains features on: 14th International Sniper Competition by Capt Liam McDonnell, EUTM Mali by Lt James Mulderrig, Senior NCO Course by Lt Brian Kelly, Cambrian Patrol by Lt Joe Glennon, In a State by Paul O'Brien, Broken Ground by Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald
Regulars: On Parade, In Focus, History, sport, Gear up, Notice-board, Reviews, In Memory