The Defence Forces have today announced the appointment of Brigadier General Seán White as Director of Communications, Information Systems & Cyber Defence of the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) within the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels. He takes up his appointment with effect from 1st August 2021.
Brigadier General White will have responsibility for developing policies and concepts for military Communication/Information systems (CIS) and Cyber Defence, which are underpinned by the EU Common Security and Defence Policy. His role, as Branch Director, will be to lead the team who provide CIS and Cyber expertise both to the EUMS and in support of all EU Missions and Operations.
Brigadier General White is a Communications and Information Services Officer with over 35 years service in the Irish Defence Forces and has held domestic and overseas appointments in a variety of military roles. Domestically, he has held Staff and Command appointments at Defence Forces Headquarters in CIS, Finance and Medical Service Delivery. He has also served on overseas missions in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Somalia (UNOSOM), Kosovo (KFOR) and Chad (EUFOR TChad/RCA).
Brigadier General White was educated at Summerhill College Sligo. He holds a Master’s Degree in Information Management and Technology from the United Kingdom Defence Academy (Cranfield University), a Master’s Degree in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies and a Higher Diploma in Information Management and Technology from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the National University of Ireland Galway and Data Protection qualifications from the Irish Law Society and King’s Inns. Brigadier General White is originally from Drumcliffe, Co. Sligo and now resides in Co. Kildare with his wife Clare and three adult children. His interests include local Irish History, hill walking, cycling and motorcycling.
Notes to Editor
The EUMS are the source of military expertise within the European External Action Service (EEAS). The EUMS’s roles include: the provision of early warning, preparation of situational assessments, the conduct of strategic planning, the development of new concepts, the planning and coordination of training, education and exercises, the delivery of CIS and Cyber Defence policies and guidance and the support of EU strategic partnerships. As the EU’s diplomatic service, the EEAS coordinates the external actions of the EU. It is also responsible therefore for the development and execution of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).