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07 Oct 2024 - Defence Forces Update

Israel has recently breached the Blue Line (BL) in multiple areas, raising significant concerns, particularly regarding the breaches near our Irish Battalion posts. These incursions have been accompanied by the establishment of a new military zone on the Israeli side, suggesting an intent to expand operations further. Additional incursions into other battalion areas along the BL were observed overnight, exacerbating tensions in the region. As engagements have shifted north of UN Post 6-52, movement has become severely restricted. Road access has been curtailed due to these military actions, leading to the recommendation that sheltering in place remains the safest option at this time.

This is a fast moving and dynamic military situation, and it is important to have factual and accurate information, which our soldier's presence provides. The Battalion Commander and the Battalion Sergeant Major of the 124 Infantry Battalion are in constant contact with the personnel deployed in UNP 6-52, receiving updates on the situation throughout the day. DFHQ remain in constant contact with all relevant stakeholders.

Regarding personnel management and operational readiness, we maintain a standard leave policy that allows for personal rest and downtime. Our operational planning, supported by multinational partnerships, ensures that we are well-equipped and adequately manned for our mission in Lebanon. Approximately 20% of our troops are on leave at any given time, allowing essential personnel to remain available for operations while others take necessary breaks.

Our operational model is designed to maintain unit effectiveness without compromising readiness during leave periods. The presence of an additional Force Protection Platoon since mid-2024 has enhanced our operational flexibility, enabling us to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances on the ground and improving overall force protection.

Furthermore, our operational capacity is bolstered by contributions from Polish, Hungarian, and Maltese personnel. This multinational collaboration not only increases our manpower but also enhances our overall mission effectiveness, ensuring we remain robust and capable in fulfilling our objectives.

Notes to Editors: We again remind media of the widespread use of information operations by both parties to the conflict and the importance of verifying all information prior to publishing, and that this office will endeavour to verify information as required.