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November/December 2022

This edition contains features on: On Parade, History and Handover of Beggars Bush by Pte Lukasz Gancarz, History and Handover Lynch Camp by Comdt Tadgh O'Donoghue, History and Handover of Stephens Barracks by Comdt Stephen Mac Eoin and Pte Jim O'Keefe, History and Handover of Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa by Lt Ciarán Higgins, History and Handover of Finner Camp by Capt Daniel McChrystal, History and Handover of Custume Barracks by Lt Dave Graham, History and Handover Sarsfield Barracks by Lt Jonathan Hughes, History and Handover of the Air Corps by Comdt Peter Smyth, History and Handover of Aiken Barracks by Lt Pádraic Agnew and Sgt Riccardo Lucchesi, History and Handover of the Curragh Camp by Comdt Conor Hurley, History and Handover of Cathal Brugha Barracks by Comdt Donal Mitchell, History and Handover of Collins Barracks by Capt Oisín O'Higgins, History of McKee Barracks by Comdt Desmond O'Reilly